The 50th Anniversary of Stonewall: Advancing Research on the Health and Well-being of LGBTQ Elders
Posted: 10/3/2019 (CSDE Seminar Series)
Karen Fredriksen Goldsen, Ph.D., Professor, UW Department of Sociology and UW Director of Healthy Generations
Fifty years ago the Stonewall riots erupted, often characterized as the spark of the modern gay rights movement. Resulting from social, economic, and environmental disadvantage, health inequities have systematically created greater obstacles to aging for LGBTQ older adults. In this presentation, Professor Karen Fredriksen Goldsen will share findings from the landmark longitudinal project, Aging with Pride: National Health, Aging and Sexuality/Gender Study.
Date: 10/11/2019
Time: 12:30PM - 1:30PM
Location: 121 Raitt Hall